Give it All: On Friendship, Creativity, and the Power of Sharing
Right now, I'm focused on getting serious about nurturing my creativity. I was re-reading Austin Kleon's Show Your Work and came to the section where he mentions the importance of teaching what you know. He shared a quote by Annie Dillard, and I found a Maria Popova post that added a fuller context:
"One of the few things I know about writing is this: Spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Don't hoard what seems good for a later place in the book, or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now. The very impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better. These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water. Similarly, the impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful; it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes." —Annie Dillard
My heart sinks just reading that last sentence; it is such powerful imagery.
Annie Dillard's quote applies whether you're writing, building a business, creating a music album, organizing a movement, or making a new series of collages. Not only do we have to share the wisdom that we are cultivating freely so as not to lose it, but we also must share so we can continue to gain and create more.
Hoarding stops the energetic flow and creates stagnation.
The photo above is from May 2022, in the first year and a half of Rebecca and mine's coaching/client turned business besties turned soul sisters relationship.
When the idea for Rhythm + Ritual first popped up between us, there was no question about whether or not it would happen; it was just a matter of when. And I've realized that at the core of our friendship is that we both know and believe there is never an end to this journey of finding flow and living a good life.
We're two people who continue to ask questions and stay curious, open, and vulnerable enough to know that there is always more to learn or an opportunity to expand our current perspective, even if it's scary as hell.
A fiery Leo and Aries pair just diving right in.
Over the past few years, we've experienced many twists, turns, and growth in our lives and businesses. We've cultivated wisdom in finding the flow amidst the joy and chaos. Still, we hold each other in making sure we don't fool ourselves into thinking we're in control or navigating the shame that comes from thinking we should have "mastered" something by now.
Rhythm + Ritual is an offering that takes our knowledge, lived experience, business experience, ancient wisdom, and scientifically proven tactics to support you in designing a more supportive and sustainable flow for your mind, body, and spirit.
We're teaching and facilitating because we've got plenty to share, but we are not claiming we are at the end of our journeys. No matter how skilled we are, we know that at every level of growth, there will always be something that might tap into an inner child wound or an opportunity to go through an uncomfortable experience that could create more love or connection.
I hope this quote inspires you to do the thing. Give your creativity the outlet and space it needs, and share it with us so that you will continue to grow and create even more.
I also hope this serves as a reminder to be kinder to yourself as you grow into the person you envision yourself becoming. We all have our own timelines, and it almost always seems slower than we think it should be. You're good enough as you are right now. Anything you need to figure out, you will. And there will always be more opportunities to learn.
If you're struggling to find the flow in your life and work, Rebecca and I are creating the container, asking pointed questions, and fostering a connection between people at different stages toward a more compassionate way of working and living.
We're thrilled to finally put out the offering (enrollment is now open!), but the best part is that so much will be created and exchanged while sharing Rhythm + Ritual. We can't wait to learn from you and hear your perspective.
Will you join us?
Rhythm + Ritual
Join us for a 6-week series to design a supportive and sustainable workflow for your business, body, and spirit so you can shift from scattered and stressed to easeful and effective.